No meat.

No meat. Aka Vegetarian.

“I’m honestly so surprised you aren’t vegetarian” has been a common phrase I’ve been hearing more and more. The reason I’ve heard it from many of my friends is because, quit honestly, I’m obsessed with animals. I love them. I love their beautiful mannerisms, how they can just sit and stare at one thing and we have absolutely no idea what’s going on in their mind and how their instincts still guide them no matter how much humans have coerced their lives. I love cows, cats, dogs, mice, penguins and almost every other gorgeous animal who graces Earth. So why do I eat them? Why do I choose to eat a cheeseburger, bacon or chicken burrito that is a crime scene? It baffles me how inhumanely millions of innocent beings are being slaughtered with no hope of a free life. How would I feel if a cow came and tortured me, made me stand in my own feces, never allowed me to see the sun, overfed me nasty food, injected chemicals in my body, hung me by my ankles (while still very alive) and slit my neck to drain my blood all against my will?!

So, with all that said, I am making the decision to try out Vegetarianism. I want to give it a go. Today is day 1 and I have consumed no meat.

I will continue to keep myself accountable and post here about my journey to vegetarianism. As my long term goal, I would like to strive to be Vegan. But for now, I’ll be starting small.

4 thoughts on “No meat.

    1. Thank you! I keep thinking about how yummy the food is but then remember how much stuff in that meat isn’t even good for our bodies and how many substitutes there are on the market! Plus the reasons I already stated. πŸ€—

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  1. I’m 66 years old and have been a vegetarian since 1973. I became a vegetarian primarily because i love animals.
    It’s very good that you are moving into vegetarianism. πŸ™‚ I was a vegan for around 3 years. Though i ate a lot of different foods, something was missing in my diet and i began binge eating. That ended when i continued being an ovo-lacto vegetarian.
    At one time, skin began peeling off of my thigh areas leaving raw patches. That ended when i began taking fish oil supplements. A lot of vegetarians — most really — do not realize that DHA is essential for human brain function. The ALA that is in nut and seed oils is not readily converted into DHA by most people; many cannot convert the ALA at all. Fish oil capsules supply the needed DHA and essential fatty acids (that the body cannot synthesize). I also take Algal supplements that contain a lot of DHA. However, those do not help with arthritis — like the fish oil does — so i continue to take the fish oil capsules.

    Being a vegetarian helps a lot with the total environment too; more people need to get into it! πŸ™‚


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